Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Gossiping is one of American’s favorite past times. We are all guilty of it in some way shape or form. How many times have you been caught up in the latest gossip, whether about Britney, 50 Cent, Paris or Brangelina; perhaps too many times to admit?

A few weekends ago, I learned a lesson first-hand from the hands of gossip. I called a friend to find out how things were going for her weekend; she proceeded to inform me of a few issues at home, it was great, all was well. Once the conversation ended I was ready to begin my work for the weekend.

Unfortunately, an hour later, another friend called and began to recount ALL the latest news and gossip of a close friend then the conversation moved to a family member, who was getting married and another who may be getting a divorce. Finally, that call ended then fifteen minutes later the phone rang, this time it was a family member regarding the details of her birthday party, though the conversation was supposed to be brief; it spiraled into a two-hour gossip fest.

While the conversations were very entertaining; I failed to realize that close to four hours passed and I did not get any work done. I was so busy minding their business that I was neglecting my own business. Feeling frustrated that four hours had gone by and I had absolutely nothing to show. Now, as I recount this story I chuckle a bit because I realize that it’s something that can happen.

Nonetheless, I learned a simple yet valuable lesson that I would like to share with you. Quite simply, mind your own business; there will always be time for gossip and drama. Put your business first and everyone else’s after, for if you are not minding your business - nobody else will.

To your Success!


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